Musically these are very well done: the detail retrieval, while not exceptional, is absolutely fine for the price tag. Soundstage is also above average the overall sound is very nicely balanced - the piercing treble I've experienced with other KZ units is non-existent. The clarity in the mids is the highlight for me and the forward presence in the vocals is not as bothersome as other reviews elsewhere have idenitifed. All in all this is a very competent set that KZ needed to release to catch some redemption and prove they can do more than a wash, rise, repeat of V shaped units. Some have complained about fit, and while the shells are quite heavy, I was not bothered by how they sat on my ear. I am inclined to agree with other reviewers asserting this is a major addition to the sub $100 bracket.
But here's a MAJOR drawback that totally nullifies the above and why I may never pick these up again. There is no port on the AS16Pro. The build up in pressure gave me ear pain and an ensuing nagging headache after maybe 30 mins of use. What a tremendous disappointment and painful (literally) oversight by KZ. Such a shame. I wouldn't recommend these on that basis.