First thoughts are in direct comparison to the CCA CRA because of the price that I bought these for ($19.50) and the fact that I listened to this set right after the CRA. Love the green color and eggbag. They definitely aren't mid-bass emphasized like the CRA and I like that. The sound feels more clear as a result. Everything feels like it has an equal footing. Detail is nice, nothing crazy, but satisfying. I don't feel like I'm really missing anything in any songs. Bass is definitely tamed, but still present along with sub-bass. I'd describe it as a more flat sound, but that's not a bad thing. Soundstage isn't the widest, but satisfactory. Only on treble-heavy tracks like Britney Spears' "Toxic" does this set get a bit fatiguing. If you can catch them on sale for under $20, these are a definite buy. They're not bad for $39, but there are other options that outclass them at that price.