So i have two Headphones and now this. The Beyerdynamic DT 880 and the AKG K361. The AKG´s i use mostly for watching tutorial videos, because they are light and easy to carry around. Beyerdynamic DT880 i bought about 15 years ago to do mixing of my music projects. I´m not on the music business anymore, so i decided to get a headphone more on the fun side. After 15 years i bought an amp for the Beyer´s, they are not easy to drive, but i never cared about that since i used them mostly for mixing. I heard music trough speakers. But when my daughter was born i began listen more an more music on headphones. So i bought SMSL HO100. It was night and day with the Beyers comparing it with the Focusrite 6i8, because they are not easy to drive. Also i changed the pads on them for custom ones, not the originals, and they got a lot more bass and clarity. So I´m not comparing Sivgas to stock DT880, but to the one´s i have now with custom pads. Also, my comparison is with the SMSL HO100 plugged coming from Focusrite DAC with a Balanced cable. The Sivgas, are a tadd more detailed. Also Soundstage i can hear more on them. It seemns beyer´s are a little more focused. But beyer´s have more bass. Not always a good thing. But some tracks with lots of bass thumb, like Peter Gabriel´s Panopticom sound more punchy on my Beyers. But Sivga i can hear more detail and also it seems that it can handle more dynamics. The difference between the decay from the snares and the attack is more audible in the sivgas. So it´s a matter of taste. But i really enjoy listening on them. And they became myu main headphone.
Also it is a lot more confortable than the Beyer´s