TINHIFI just launched their latest TWS, TINHiFi Tin Buds 3, and Linsoul is glad to be holding a Giveaway for this product launch. The product is already available for purchase at Linsoul too!

Linsoul x TINHiFi Tin Buds 3 Giveaway 2022

by En Deng on Jul 18, 2022

Greetings everyone!

Hope you have been doing great thus far this month.

TINHiFi has recently launched their first and latest TWS, TINHiFi Tin Buds 3, and it is now available for purchase at Linsoul Audio here

We would like to sincerely congratulate TINHiFi for achieving this milestone. Happy occasions call for celebrations. We would also like to provide you with an opportunity to win a pair of TINHiFi Tin Buds 3 TWS! You may wish to participate in our Giveaway below:


Congratulations to TINHiFi for achieving yet another milestone! They have recently launched their first new TWS, TINHiFi Tin Buds 3, and we are giving away one new pair to a lucky winner! The TWS is also available at Linsoul Audio. 


The winners from our previous Giveaways will be publicly announced by the end of this month or August, while the winner of the TWS will be randomly chosen by the end of August, 2022. Do stay tuned for further updates.

All the very best to all participants. 

Have a lovely week ahead. 

Linsoul Team


  • Sirisha Kota
    Aug 02, 2022 at 02:26
    Good IEM’s

  • jonathan mark meader
    Jul 31, 2022 at 21:48
    Heard Great things about these

  • Einar Puga
    Jul 28, 2022 at 07:47
    me hace ilusión tener estas par de bellezas de in ears, vamos con todo a por ellos!!!!

  • Dinesh Kota
    Jul 23, 2022 at 20:56

    Looking Dope for a Wireless set 🔥


  • Thanish
    Jul 21, 2022 at 00:21
    I would like to have one of these!!!

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