Oracle is not as 'natural' nor 'realistic' in tonality as you might expect regardless of the high praises for the tuning on some popular reviews. the fact that it uses only 2 Sonion EST drivers for the treble makes the treble sounds 'anemic' or 'weak' to my ears. the EST timbre alone is kind of 'wispy' and lacks proper energy & 'authority', unlike its BA counterpart, albeit the lack of the BA's upper-treble extension. so is it the tuning? and what do you get when the treble is weak? instead of "sshhp" you get "ssssp". no authority. no bone. but wait. Oracle can sound good. very good. what sorcery is that? ear tips rolling. as simple as that.
if you have something like Moondrop Blessing 2 and you like it, maybe look for something else or stop. if you prioritize natural TONALITY, natural timbre, DYNAMIC, energy, punch, slam, drums forward, bass, fun, you might want to look somewhere else too. being a neutral monitor, Oracle has lesser punch and thumps so bear that in mind. but if you really really want to experience the Sonion EST implementation in an IEM with a limited budget, with the right ear tips, I think Oracle reproduces music extremely well. I always imagine the EST can only work as a 'supplement' instead of a core foundation to the whole treble response but I was wrong. Idk about other tribrids, but I didn't fall in love with what I've heard at first. but hey, maybe it's my ear's resonance? but at last, I've found the tune. my tune. and it's almost magical. I can't. stop. listening. to. the. Oracle. period.
so in reality, if you want something "relaxed" while having a great detail retrieval capability with good tonality, if you heavily listen to pop music, if you prioritize vocals, if you listen to noise rock, progressive metal, atmospheric sludge metal, electronica, neo-psychedelia, nu-jazz, hard-bop, no wave, totalism, chamber, orchestral, sonatas, arias, modern classical at large, then Oracle might be your next IEM (sounds like everything). but if you ask me to nitpick more, the dynamic range is somewhat lacking & the treble timbre is not that excellent, even the B2/Dusk sound 'better' at times. because with wrong ear tips, it sounds like wind, without the blow... just an illusion... life is an illusion