Greetings everyone.
With its tuning and design, Tripowin x HBB Olina IEM had won the hearts of many. Once again, Tripowin has collaborated with Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews aka HawaiiBadBoy, in releasing the Tripowin x HBB Olina Special Edition (SE), which is a revised version of the original Olina.
The revised Tripowin x HBB Olina Special Edition (SE) will be listed on this coming Friday, 16th September, 2022 (GMT+8). There MSRP of the Special Edition remains $99.00USD, which is the same as the original Tripowin Olina.
We have prepared some in-stocks for this model and shipments will start from next week onwards. All orders will be shipped out according to the order number, sequentially.
Do consider subscribing to our email notification to be informed once the product has been listed on our website.
Linsoul is the exclusive seller of this new in-ear monitors and we are giving away two pairs of Tripowin x HBB Olina SE to two lucky winners! Please complete the following steps to join our Giveaway:
We look forward to holding this Special launch on Friday.
Have a wonderful week ahead.
Linsoul Team
Those in-ear headphones are amazing. I would love to win a pair.
Those in-ear headphones are amazing. I would love to win a pair.